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Molly Tony Vacation photographs often capture perfect moments in favorite places. Send us your best ones by July 16 for a chance to win up to $1,000 in our Destinations Photo Contest. The top photographs submitted will also be featured in a national publication reaching more than 1 million households.
Sony Xperia XZ3 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Which is best?
Released this past spring, Sony's Xperia XZ2 was the best flagship we had seen from the company in some time, scrapping its old, boxy smartphone aesthetic and packing in some neat perks. And now the Xperia XZ3 is even better. On the other hand, there's almost nothing modest about Samsung's Galaxy Note 9. It's extra-large and definitely in charge, and this stylus-packing phone definitely tips the price scales at a startling £899. If you're looking for a new top-end Android, these are two of the most intriguing options today – but which is the smarter pick?
Australian woman files lawsuit against Samsung as Galaxy Note 9 battery allegedly explodes
as informed in An Australian filed a lawsuit against tech-giant after her the battery of her recently purchased Galaxy Note 9 exploded. The reports of Galaxy Note 9 battery explosion might come as alarming to many considering the widespread battery problems faced by Galaxy Note 7. However, the good thing is, this is one isolated incident and nothing more. The phone, she said, had to be dumped in a bucket of water as the elevator reached the ground floor. Chung is now filing a lawsuit against the company which seeks damages and ban on potential sales of the phone.
A Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Has Allegedly Exploded (But Don't Panic Yet)
Image: SamsungReports of a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 catching fire earlier this month may feel like cause for alarm after the ill-fated Galaxy Note 7's widespread battery problems, but at this moment the incident is just that: an isolated incident. Before the launch of the new phone, Samsung's head of mobile DJ Koh addressed concerns when he said "the battery in the Galaxy Note 9 is safer than ever. Ms. Chung is now filing a lawsuit against Samsung that along with damages is seeking to ban any further sales of the Note 9. Samsung provided the following statement about the incident: "We have not received any reports of similar incidents involving a Galaxy Note 9 device and we are investigating the matter." ), don't leave them in hot cars in the summer and especially don't charge your phone under your pillow or next to your bed.
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