as declared in Samsung sent out invitations Friday for an Oct. 11 event to launch a new mobile device under its Galaxy line. The South Korean electronics giant, the world's leading smartphone maker, unveiled its latest flagship Galaxy Note 9 in August. Samsung and other device makers are looking for ways to boost momentum in a sluggish smartphone market. Despite its leadership position, Samsung saw a 22 percent drop in mobile technology sales in the second quarter. Apple recently slipped to third place in the smartphone market, behind Huawei, even though the Chinese firm's sales in the United States are limited.
Samsung to unveil new Galaxy device in October, teases ‘4x fun’
collected by :Molly Tony
as declared in Samsung sent out invitations Friday for an Oct. 11 event to launch a new mobile device under its Galaxy line. The South Korean electronics giant, the world's leading smartphone maker, unveiled its latest flagship Galaxy Note 9 in August. Samsung and other device makers are looking for ways to boost momentum in a sluggish smartphone market. Despite its leadership position, Samsung saw a 22 percent drop in mobile technology sales in the second quarter. Apple recently slipped to third place in the smartphone market, behind Huawei, even though the Chinese firm's sales in the United States are limited.
as declared in Samsung sent out invitations Friday for an Oct. 11 event to launch a new mobile device under its Galaxy line. The South Korean electronics giant, the world's leading smartphone maker, unveiled its latest flagship Galaxy Note 9 in August. Samsung and other device makers are looking for ways to boost momentum in a sluggish smartphone market. Despite its leadership position, Samsung saw a 22 percent drop in mobile technology sales in the second quarter. Apple recently slipped to third place in the smartphone market, behind Huawei, even though the Chinese firm's sales in the United States are limited.
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