As it stated in iPhone Xs powered by the A12 Bionic chipset, improved dual rear cameras and Dual SIM support is priced at Rs. iPhone Xs was unveiled alongside the iPhone Xs Max and iPhone XR. The flagship device competes against the likes of Samsung Galaxy S9+ and possibly even the OnePlus 6 which is priced at nearly half the cost of the iPhone Xs. The front-facing camera is 7-megapixel with f/2.2Galaxy S9+ : Dual rear cameras: 12-megapixel with f/1.5-2.4 + 12-megapixel with f/2.4 aperture. iPhone Xs vs Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs OnePlus 6: Battery and OSiPhone XS: Runs on iOS 12 and Apple claims improved battery life on the iPhone Xs compared to iPhone x.Galaxy S9+: Backed by a 3500mAh battery and runs on Samsung Experience based on Android 8.0 OreoOnePlus 6: Backed by a 3300mAh battery and runs on OxygenOS based on Android 8.1 Oreo.
iPhone Xs vs OnePlus 6 vs Samsung Galaxy S9+: Price in India, features and more compared
collected by :Molly Tony
As it stated in iPhone Xs powered by the A12 Bionic chipset, improved dual rear cameras and Dual SIM support is priced at Rs. iPhone Xs was unveiled alongside the iPhone Xs Max and iPhone XR. The flagship device competes against the likes of Samsung Galaxy S9+ and possibly even the OnePlus 6 which is priced at nearly half the cost of the iPhone Xs. The front-facing camera is 7-megapixel with f/2.2Galaxy S9+ : Dual rear cameras: 12-megapixel with f/1.5-2.4 + 12-megapixel with f/2.4 aperture. iPhone Xs vs Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs OnePlus 6: Battery and OSiPhone XS: Runs on iOS 12 and Apple claims improved battery life on the iPhone Xs compared to iPhone x.Galaxy S9+: Backed by a 3500mAh battery and runs on Samsung Experience based on Android 8.0 OreoOnePlus 6: Backed by a 3300mAh battery and runs on OxygenOS based on Android 8.1 Oreo.
As it stated in iPhone Xs powered by the A12 Bionic chipset, improved dual rear cameras and Dual SIM support is priced at Rs. iPhone Xs was unveiled alongside the iPhone Xs Max and iPhone XR. The flagship device competes against the likes of Samsung Galaxy S9+ and possibly even the OnePlus 6 which is priced at nearly half the cost of the iPhone Xs. The front-facing camera is 7-megapixel with f/2.2Galaxy S9+ : Dual rear cameras: 12-megapixel with f/1.5-2.4 + 12-megapixel with f/2.4 aperture. iPhone Xs vs Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs OnePlus 6: Battery and OSiPhone XS: Runs on iOS 12 and Apple claims improved battery life on the iPhone Xs compared to iPhone x.Galaxy S9+: Backed by a 3500mAh battery and runs on Samsung Experience based on Android 8.0 OreoOnePlus 6: Backed by a 3300mAh battery and runs on OxygenOS based on Android 8.1 Oreo.
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