Samsung India sold over 20 lakh Galaxy J8, J6 smartphonesSamsung "J2 Pro" was the top model in the second quarter, with 2.3 million units shipped in India. Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones. Samsung India has sold over 20 lakh units of its recently-launched Galaxy J8 and J6 mid-segment smartphones in India, attracting nearly 50,000 consumers a day, the company said on Monday.Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones.
Samsung India sold over 20 lakh Galaxy J8, J6 smartphones
collected by :Molly Tony
Samsung India sold over 20 lakh Galaxy J8, J6 smartphonesSamsung "J2 Pro" was the top model in the second quarter, with 2.3 million units shipped in India. Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones. Samsung India has sold over 20 lakh units of its recently-launched Galaxy J8 and J6 mid-segment smartphones in India, attracting nearly 50,000 consumers a day, the company said on Monday.Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones.
Samsung India sold over 20 lakh Galaxy J8, J6 smartphonesSamsung "J2 Pro" was the top model in the second quarter, with 2.3 million units shipped in India. Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones. Samsung India has sold over 20 lakh units of its recently-launched Galaxy J8 and J6 mid-segment smartphones in India, attracting nearly 50,000 consumers a day, the company said on Monday.Galaxy J6 was launched on May 22 while Galaxy J8 was introduced on July 1. "We are happy with the huge success of Galaxy J8 and J6 smartphones.
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