referring to After Olixar and MobileFun leaked the Galaxy S9 design, this time another accessories manufacturer, Ghostek, shared renders of the upcoming Samsung flagship. The Infinity Display going to stay at 18.5:9 ratio, with the bezels on highest and bottom getting a tiny bit thinner, compared with the Galaxy S8. A Bixby button going to save firm to the volume rocker on the left with the power button staying on the right side. Samsung going to save the 3.5 mm audio jack on the Galaxy S9. Although Ghostek has a status only for the smaller phone, the competition endeed uncovered which the Galaxy S9+ going to come with a vertical dual-cam setup.
Samsung Galaxy S9 leaks repetition in status makers renders
collected by :Molly Tony
referring to After Olixar and MobileFun leaked the Galaxy S9 design, this time another accessories manufacturer, Ghostek, shared renders of the upcoming Samsung flagship. The Infinity Display going to stay at 18.5:9 ratio, with the bezels on highest and bottom getting a tiny bit thinner, compared with the Galaxy S8. A Bixby button going to save firm to the volume rocker on the left with the power button staying on the right side. Samsung going to save the 3.5 mm audio jack on the Galaxy S9. Although Ghostek has a status only for the smaller phone, the competition endeed uncovered which the Galaxy S9+ going to come with a vertical dual-cam setup.
referring to After Olixar and MobileFun leaked the Galaxy S9 design, this time another accessories manufacturer, Ghostek, shared renders of the upcoming Samsung flagship. The Infinity Display going to stay at 18.5:9 ratio, with the bezels on highest and bottom getting a tiny bit thinner, compared with the Galaxy S8. A Bixby button going to save firm to the volume rocker on the left with the power button staying on the right side. Samsung going to save the 3.5 mm audio jack on the Galaxy S9. Although Ghostek has a status only for the smaller phone, the competition endeed uncovered which the Galaxy S9+ going to come with a vertical dual-cam setup.
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