Samsung probably looking to slow Apple's momentum with an earlier-than-expected unveiling of the Galaxy S9. Sources report Samsung is looking to review off the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus in February 2018. With the Galaxy S8, Samsung introduced large design changes, completely dropping the flat OLED panel as an option for its flagship phones. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus have curved displays, and the monitor ratio promoted in height to best Utilize the device's space. Samsung going to reportedly start shipping the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus a 30 days later, that repetition is a 30 days ahead of final year's GS8 schedule.
collected by :Molly Tony
Samsung probably looking to slow Apple's momentum with an earlier-than-expected unveiling of the Galaxy S9. Sources report Samsung is looking to review off the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus in February 2018. With the Galaxy S8, Samsung introduced large design changes, completely dropping the flat OLED panel as an option for its flagship phones. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus have curved displays, and the monitor ratio promoted in height to best Utilize the device's space. Samsung going to reportedly start shipping the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus a 30 days later, that repetition is a 30 days ahead of final year's GS8 schedule.
Samsung probably looking to slow Apple's momentum with an earlier-than-expected unveiling of the Galaxy S9. Sources report Samsung is looking to review off the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus in February 2018. With the Galaxy S8, Samsung introduced large design changes, completely dropping the flat OLED panel as an option for its flagship phones. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus have curved displays, and the monitor ratio promoted in height to best Utilize the device's space. Samsung going to reportedly start shipping the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus a 30 days later, that repetition is a 30 days ahead of final year's GS8 schedule.
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