Redmi Note 4 and Redmi 4 by Xiaomi, along with Samsung's Galaxy J2, topped the list of bestselling phones in India in the second quarter. This data comes from a report released by Counterpoint Research that shows the Oppo A37 and Samsung Galaxy J7 taking up the fourth and fifth spots, respectively. Coming to feature phones, Samsung (26.6 percent), Itel (15.7 percent), Micromax (8.6 percent), Lava (7.5 percent), and Intex (6.3 percent) account for the most devices sold. The top five brands accounted for nearly 70 percent of the shipments of the smartphone market, and Chinese brands had market share of over 50 percent. The Redmi Note 4 accounted for 7.2 percent of the smartphones sold in India in Q2, followed by its sibling Redmi 4 at 4.5 percent.
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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 release date, price and features REVEALED
The next Apple smartphone will probably be a blockbuster release to mark the 10th anniversary of the original iphone's release. Apple watchers expect it to release the iPhone 8 in September for a roughly similar price. The South Korean firm has confirmed that its new gadget will be unveiled on August 23 at an "Unpacked" event. Samsung Galaxy Note 8 reveals new specs Samsung's smartphone is expected to be pretty spectacular to make up for the disastrous Note 7.
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