Samsung at Computex on Tuesday announced the Notebook 9 Pro, a convertible notebook featuring a 360-degree touchscreen display that supports the built-in S Pen made popular by its Note line of smartphones. The smaller 13.3-incher measures 12.21 inches x 8.54 inches x 0.63 inches and tips the scales at 2.91 pounds while the 15-inch machine weighs 3.79 pounds with measurements of 13.67 inches x 9.41 inches x 0.67 inches. The Samsung Notebook 9 Pro, offered with your choice of 13.3-inch and 15.0-inch FHD LED display, is powered by Intel's 7th generation Core i7-7500U processor (2.7GHz base clock, Boost up to 3.5GHz) and up to 16GB of DDR4 memory. Given its Computex coming out party, however, it's probably safe to assume that we'll see the Notebook 9 Pro arrive in the coming months (and almost certainly in time for the holidays). The smaller variant relies on Intel HD Graphics 620 while the larger unit leans on AMD Radeon 540 graphics (2GB GDDR5).
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Samsung announces new Notebook 9 Pro with S Pen and fast charging support
Samsung today announced the new Notebook 9 Pro, a laptop with a 360-degree hinge, built-in S Pen and fast charging support. While the 13-inch model comes with Intel integrated graphics, the 15-inch model comes with AMD Radeon 540 Graphics with 2GB GDDR5 Graphic Memory. Unlike Surface Pen, the S Pen always stays on and never requires any charging. The main highlight of the device is its built-in S Pen that allows for a great inking experience. It comes with a USB Type-C port which can be used for charging the device and it also supports fast charging.
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