As it stated in Samsung is off to a very promising start with the launch of the Galaxy S8 and 8 Plus. Courtesy of SamsungScreenThe 5.8 inch Super AMOLED screen is not only a very good one but likely the best smartphone screen currently available. Courtesy of SamsungPerformance and intangiblesThe S8 and S8 Plus are the first phones available in the United States with a new Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor. The S8 is not without blemish (literally), but the S8 is tough to beat in terms of everyday use and user friendliness. Samsung continues to lead the way in focus, image stabilization, color and sharpness of smartphone video.
As it stated in
Samsung should sell this stunning clear-backed Galaxy S8 – BGR
To turn the black back of the Galaxy S8 into clear glass is actually the simplest part: use high-strength paint cleaner to remove the coloring and laminate backing, then glass cleaner to polish up the clear glass back. Don't Miss : There's one more reason I could never ditch my iphone 7 Plus for a Galaxy S8This YouTube video from JerryRigsEverything shows a process for making your own clear-backed Galaxy S8. For decades, ostentatious supercar makers have stuck panels of clear glass over the engines, all so that you can show off V8 engineering prowess to the world. Although the microscopic circuitry underneath is arguably more of an engineering masterpiece, no smartphone manufacturer has yet made a phone that shows off the internals. But for anyone who's ever been captivated by the internals of electronics, this makes for the ultimate back for a read more visit us Samsung
collected by : Andro Alex
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