A new variant of the Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro has been spotted on TENAA. The original Galaxy C9 Pro (SM-C9000) that was announced back in October last year comes with 64GB storage. Color options for the original device include gold, pink gold, and black, but the TENAA listing mentions only black and gold for the new variant. Carrying the model number SM-C9008, the version has the same specifications except for the storage - a new, 128GB internal memory option is there. There's currently no information on when this new variant will be launched and what price tagit will carry.
as mentioned in
Samsung Galaxy S8 preview: features, release date, what to expect
Even after last year's stumbles, it feels like Samsung is gearing up for a major redemption thanks to the Galaxy S8. All that said, the Galaxy S8 will likely live up to most of its expectations. But early impressions of the Galaxy S8 have been amazing. The Galaxy S8 is the early favorite for the best phone of 2017. If I had to bet, most people will look beyond the relatively minor software flubs Samsung is making with the Galaxy S8 and instead focus on the innovative hardware and design.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 Active is coming, bound for AT&T
According to a recent leak coming out of Sam Mobile, Samsung will continue the tradition in 2017 and launch the Galaxy S8 Active. However, if you haven't placed a pre-order for the Galaxy S8 until now, you might want to wait. So, what actually is this "ACTIVE" version of the globally anticipated Samsung S8 I hear you ask? Is the S8 active the perfect device for you? For the more Geek-Sentric among us we can confirm that the official model number for this year's Galaxy S8 is SM-G892A and comes with an equally intriguing code name of CRUISER.
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