as mentioned in Samsung on Friday will release the Galaxy S8, its first notable smartphone since it abandoned its Galaxy Note 7, which was prone to spontaneous explosions. The problems with the Galaxy Note 7 do not appear to have slowed sales of the new phone: Early orders for the Galaxy S8 have already surpassed those of previous generations. Jack EwingTECHNOLOGYEarly orders for Samsung's Galaxy S8 are high. CHEMICAL INDUSTRYAfter rebuffing offers, Akzo Nobel will update investors. Akzo Nobel twice rejected takeover offers from PPG last month and has declined to engage in further discussions.
as mentioned in
Mossberg: The Samsung Galaxy S8 squeezes more into less
BatteryIt was a battery problem in the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 that caused all the trouble last year. Major downsidesIn my tests, the Galaxy S8 had the least reliable, most frustrating biometric security measures I've ever tested. In one indoor shot of a stuffed figure propped next to a plant, the S8 camera back-focused on the plant. Samsung did exactly that with the new Galaxy S8, which goes on sale this week for the very hefty starting price of $750 at most U.S. carriers ($720 at Verizon). So, on my test unit, there was a passel of unnecessary, duplicative Samsung software, and another folder chock-full of bloatware from the carrier, read more visit us Samsung
collected by : Andro Alex
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