Buying A Galaxy Note 5 Instead Of Note 7/247wallst/16:48

Buying A Galaxy Note 5 Instead Of Note 7

Buying A Galaxy Note 5 Instead Of Note 7
As Samsung tries to recover from the Galaxy Note 7 battery fire recall, some consumers may want to consider the Galaxy Note 5.Released in mid 2015, it remains a highly advanced "smartphone"The Note 5 received mostly positive reviews.CNET reported:Samsung's Galaxy Note 5 is the smoothest, sleekest stylus-equipped jumbo-screen smartphone that the company has ever made.

Stop using Galaxy Note 7

Stop using Galaxy Note 7

Nearly half of recalled Galaxy Note devices have been returned

Nearly half of recalled Galaxy Note devices have been returned
A week after an official recall was issued for the Galaxy Note S7, Samsung reports that nearly half of the defective devices have been returned.The phones, which have been shown to have a defective battery capable of bursting into flames, are being replaced with an updated version in the US — 500,000 of which have been shipped from Samsung's headquarters in South Korea.Samsung will also release a software update preventing users from using the old phone.

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