as declared in Apple recently launched its new line-up of iPhones, which are set to launch in South Africa soon. The Apple iPhone Xs and Xs Max will be available in South Africa from 28 September, while the iPhone Xr will begin shipping on 26 October. Following the recent launch of Samsung Pay in South Africa, customers who own supported Samsung devices can make purchases using their smartphone at almost every POS terminal in the country. Apple Pay is the competitor to Samsung Pay internationally, but it is not available in South Africa. Samsung PayThe Samsung Pay platform currently supports bank cards from Standard Bank and Absa, and Samsung is working with other South African banks to add support for their customers.
Samsung smartphones have one big advantage over Apple in South Africa
collected by :Molly Tony
as declared in Apple recently launched its new line-up of iPhones, which are set to launch in South Africa soon. The Apple iPhone Xs and Xs Max will be available in South Africa from 28 September, while the iPhone Xr will begin shipping on 26 October. Following the recent launch of Samsung Pay in South Africa, customers who own supported Samsung devices can make purchases using their smartphone at almost every POS terminal in the country. Apple Pay is the competitor to Samsung Pay internationally, but it is not available in South Africa. Samsung PayThe Samsung Pay platform currently supports bank cards from Standard Bank and Absa, and Samsung is working with other South African banks to add support for their customers.
as declared in Apple recently launched its new line-up of iPhones, which are set to launch in South Africa soon. The Apple iPhone Xs and Xs Max will be available in South Africa from 28 September, while the iPhone Xr will begin shipping on 26 October. Following the recent launch of Samsung Pay in South Africa, customers who own supported Samsung devices can make purchases using their smartphone at almost every POS terminal in the country. Apple Pay is the competitor to Samsung Pay internationally, but it is not available in South Africa. Samsung PayThe Samsung Pay platform currently supports bank cards from Standard Bank and Absa, and Samsung is working with other South African banks to add support for their customers.
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