as declared in A new FCC filing shows that Samsung may be prepping to release an updated version of the HMD Odyssey, its Windows Mixed Reality headset launched at the end of last year. The new headset will be called the HMD Odyssey+, and there doesn't appear to be many changes, except for some cosmetic differences to make the headset more comfortable to wear. The filing shows that the headset's display size remains the same with dual 3.5-inch screens with a 1440 x 1600 resolution per eye, but now the eye box is wider to prevent fogging. The specs chart below does mention a new acronym we haven't seen before with "AMOLED+SFS" listed as the display type, but it's not yet clear what SFS is. It probably won't be long until we can get more details on the upcoming Odyssey+.
Samsung has a new Odyssey+ Mixed Reality headset on the way
collected by :Molly Tony
as declared in A new FCC filing shows that Samsung may be prepping to release an updated version of the HMD Odyssey, its Windows Mixed Reality headset launched at the end of last year. The new headset will be called the HMD Odyssey+, and there doesn't appear to be many changes, except for some cosmetic differences to make the headset more comfortable to wear. The filing shows that the headset's display size remains the same with dual 3.5-inch screens with a 1440 x 1600 resolution per eye, but now the eye box is wider to prevent fogging. The specs chart below does mention a new acronym we haven't seen before with "AMOLED+SFS" listed as the display type, but it's not yet clear what SFS is. It probably won't be long until we can get more details on the upcoming Odyssey+.
as declared in A new FCC filing shows that Samsung may be prepping to release an updated version of the HMD Odyssey, its Windows Mixed Reality headset launched at the end of last year. The new headset will be called the HMD Odyssey+, and there doesn't appear to be many changes, except for some cosmetic differences to make the headset more comfortable to wear. The filing shows that the headset's display size remains the same with dual 3.5-inch screens with a 1440 x 1600 resolution per eye, but now the eye box is wider to prevent fogging. The specs chart below does mention a new acronym we haven't seen before with "AMOLED+SFS" listed as the display type, but it's not yet clear what SFS is. It probably won't be long until we can get more details on the upcoming Odyssey+.
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