according to The new Apple Watch launches just weeks after Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch, which we recently named as TechRadar's best smartwatch in the world. Water resistance to 5 ATM means the Galaxy Watch can track your swimming too - a stat matched by the Apple Watch Series 4. As ever, the Galaxy Watch runs Samsung's own Tizen operating system, while the Watch 4 comes with Apple's watchOS 5. Apple Watch 4Inside, the Apple Watch 4 is powered by the company's own S4 system on a chip, which boasts a 64-bit dual-core processor, while the Galaxy Watch runs on the Exynos 9110 dual-core 1.15GHz chipset. Storage for the Galaxy Watch is 4GB, while the Apple Watch Series 4 has 16GB.
Apple Watch 4 vs Samsung Galaxy Watch: battle of the great new smartwatches
collected by :Molly Tony
according to The new Apple Watch launches just weeks after Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch, which we recently named as TechRadar's best smartwatch in the world. Water resistance to 5 ATM means the Galaxy Watch can track your swimming too - a stat matched by the Apple Watch Series 4. As ever, the Galaxy Watch runs Samsung's own Tizen operating system, while the Watch 4 comes with Apple's watchOS 5. Apple Watch 4Inside, the Apple Watch 4 is powered by the company's own S4 system on a chip, which boasts a 64-bit dual-core processor, while the Galaxy Watch runs on the Exynos 9110 dual-core 1.15GHz chipset. Storage for the Galaxy Watch is 4GB, while the Apple Watch Series 4 has 16GB.
according to The new Apple Watch launches just weeks after Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch, which we recently named as TechRadar's best smartwatch in the world. Water resistance to 5 ATM means the Galaxy Watch can track your swimming too - a stat matched by the Apple Watch Series 4. As ever, the Galaxy Watch runs Samsung's own Tizen operating system, while the Watch 4 comes with Apple's watchOS 5. Apple Watch 4Inside, the Apple Watch 4 is powered by the company's own S4 system on a chip, which boasts a 64-bit dual-core processor, while the Galaxy Watch runs on the Exynos 9110 dual-core 1.15GHz chipset. Storage for the Galaxy Watch is 4GB, while the Apple Watch Series 4 has 16GB.
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