Samsung Suddenly 'Confirms' Radical Galaxy S9 Smartphones

collected by :Molly Tony

as informed in This 7 days Samsung has this time gone a step further with approving both new Galaxy smartphones... Picked up with GalaxyClub, Samsung has decided to break cover of both the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus with publicly submitting them to the FCC for approval (link 1, linked 2). Ghostek, Gordon KellyWe don't learn much from either listing other than affirmation of their formal model numbers (Galaxy S9: SM-G960F, Galaxy S9 Plus: SM-G9605F) however the pass does say us both new Galaxy smartphones are extremely lock to completion. With an early launch expected, Samsung going to precede its further radical Galaxy X with smartphones that incrementally get best on the industrial design of the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus. Furthermore line up the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus alongside the revolutionary midrange Galaxy A8 and Galaxy A8 Plus as well as the aforementioned Galaxy X and it looks like Samsung going to begin 2018 on the forehead foot.

[Update: Samsung's statement] Some Samsung Galaxy smartphone Note8 units died after battery drained out

[Update: Samsung's statement] Some Samsung Galaxy Note8 units died after battery drained out

Samsung Galaxy S9 i Galaxy S9+ z wizytÄ… na stronie FCC =>

according to Samsung Galaxy S9 i Galaxy S9+ zbliżają się wielkimi krokami, a tymczasem oba telefony pojawiły się na stronie FCC. Samsung sfinalizował prace nad Galaxy S9 i Galaxy S9+ w listopadzie. Galaxy S9 mają Wi-Fi w standardzie 802.11ac, moduł Bluetooth 5.0, moduły NFC czy modemy LTE kat. Wkrótce Samsung zapewne uzyska inne certyfikaty od innych organizacji, które są niezbędne przed uruchomieniem sprzedaży. Samsung planuje pokazać smartfony Galaxy S9 w trakcie targów MWC 2018.

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ pass out of the FCC

The FCC's given the S9 and S9+ its blessing, however there are not any new specifics to drool over. We're expecting to see some truly excellent phones in 2018, and 1 of the premier which we'll get our hands on is Samsung's Galaxy S9 and S9+. The S9 will not be a drastic upgrade compared to the S8, however even slimmer bezels, faster processor, and best imprint sensor placement ought all come together for 1 heck of a device. There are certifications for both the S9 and S9+, and we could see which each 1 has a model number of SM-G960F and SM-965F, respectively. This is our premier look at the Samsung Galaxy smartphone S9

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ pass through the FCC

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