Video Samsung's shown a tiny further of its plans to run fully-fledged Linux desktops on its 8-series Galaxy smartmobes. The premier comes at the twelve 2nd mark, after the "Linux on Galaxy" application has been run. Not long after the application boots, an Ubuntu desktop duly appears and runs Eclipse. In its original announcement of Linux on Galaxy, Samsung told it was aimed at developers wanting Linux wherever they may roam, on the off-chance they feel like doing a spot of coding on a extremely small screen. Samsung's continue not telling the time Linux on Galaxy going to debut, however at least this time we realize it's further than features than mere announcementware.
collected by :Molly Tony
Video Samsung's shown a tiny further of its plans to run fully-fledged Linux desktops on its 8-series Galaxy smartmobes. The premier comes at the twelve 2nd mark, after the "Linux on Galaxy" application has been run. Not long after the application boots, an Ubuntu desktop duly appears and runs Eclipse. In its original announcement of Linux on Galaxy, Samsung told it was aimed at developers wanting Linux wherever they may roam, on the off-chance they feel like doing a spot of coding on a extremely small screen. Samsung's continue not telling the time Linux on Galaxy going to debut, however at least this time we realize it's further than features than mere announcementware.
Video Samsung's shown a tiny further of its plans to run fully-fledged Linux desktops on its 8-series Galaxy smartmobes. The premier comes at the twelve 2nd mark, after the "Linux on Galaxy" application has been run. Not long after the application boots, an Ubuntu desktop duly appears and runs Eclipse. In its original announcement of Linux on Galaxy, Samsung told it was aimed at developers wanting Linux wherever they may roam, on the off-chance they feel like doing a spot of coding on a extremely small screen. Samsung's continue not telling the time Linux on Galaxy going to debut, however at least this time we realize it's further than features than mere announcementware.
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