Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ prices have been cut in India, making the company's latest flagship smartphones slightly further affordable ahead of the festive season. 6,000, while the Galaxy S8+ 6GB variant has seen a value cut of Rs. Featuring a near bezel-less design, the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature Quad HD+ 5.8-inch and 6.2-inch Super AMOLED displays respectively. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature a 12MP dual pixel rear cam and an f/1.7 aperture, along with an 8MP forehead cam with Intelligent auto-focus. These value cuts on the Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and Galaxy S8+ are live on Samsung's formal on-line store and Flipkart as well.
collected by :Molly Tony
Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ prices have been cut in India, making the company's latest flagship smartphones slightly further affordable ahead of the festive season. 6,000, while the Galaxy S8+ 6GB variant has seen a value cut of Rs. Featuring a near bezel-less design, the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature Quad HD+ 5.8-inch and 6.2-inch Super AMOLED displays respectively. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature a 12MP dual pixel rear cam and an f/1.7 aperture, along with an 8MP forehead cam with Intelligent auto-focus. These value cuts on the Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and Galaxy S8+ are live on Samsung's formal on-line store and Flipkart as well.
Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ prices have been cut in India, making the company's latest flagship smartphones slightly further affordable ahead of the festive season. 6,000, while the Galaxy S8+ 6GB variant has seen a value cut of Rs. Featuring a near bezel-less design, the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature Quad HD+ 5.8-inch and 6.2-inch Super AMOLED displays respectively. Both the Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature a 12MP dual pixel rear cam and an f/1.7 aperture, along with an 8MP forehead cam with Intelligent auto-focus. These value cuts on the Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and Galaxy S8+ are live on Samsung's formal on-line store and Flipkart as well.
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