Samsung looks set to follow the smartphone trend of using a dual camera system on its upcoming Galaxy Note 8. The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus are currently pushing the limits of single lens camera technology. Now read why Samsung may have to change a key component of the Galaxy Note 8…Follow me on Facebook. New images of the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus models equipped with dual cameras are once more showing up. They addmore weight to the previous indications that the Note 8 will be shipping with the dual camera system.
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OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8
OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 displayThis is arguably the high point of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and the low point of the OnePlus 5. OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 OS and powerThe Samsung Galaxy S8 is a tremendously powerful phone, with 4GB of RAM and either a Snapdragon 835 or Exynos 8895 chipset (depending on where you are in the world). OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 camera and batteryThe OnePlus 5 has a dual-lens camera, combining 16MP and 20MP lenses. OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 priceThe OnePlus 5 retails for $479/£449 (around AU$630) if you want a 64GB version or $539/£499 (around AU$710) for 128GB. It's a great look and one that's quite different to the Samsung Galaxy S8.
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 set for August?
Tech CultureSamsung Galaxy Note 8 set for August? The One Plus 5 phone is announced, rumors point to Samsung's flagship phablet getting a late August reveal and Google has a fidget spinner of its own.
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